May the Force be with You

May the Force be with You

The Force was an energy field created by all life that bound everything in the universe together. It has been known by a variety of names throughout eternity. Created by life, and therefore resides in all of our life forms. So what do you do when you have someone that you can’t get out of your mind? Why is it so hard to learn how to let go of someone even when we know they are not good for us?

Holding on is a natural human instinct, and is a critical way that we stop ourselves from reaching our goals. Why? Because ultimately, not letting go of someone you love can harm you, it can prevent you from reaching your true potential.

We like to hold on to things, situations and especially people because they fulfill our need for certainty. Certainty is one of the 6 Human Needs that drive every decision we make. Letting go and moving on from a relationship often entails a large amount of uncertainty. Even if your relationship has reached its conclusion or one or both of you are unhappy, there is still an amount of certainty there that can make it hard to know when to let go of a relationship. Sometimes, we truly don’t want to let go of someone – but they want to let go of us. Letting go of someone you love is even harder when your feelings for them haven’t changed. Remember that relationships are a place you go to give, not to get. And sometimes the best thing you can give your partner, is their freedom. Learning how to let go of someone you love – someone you’ve built a deep connection with and whom you’ve shared your life with – is likely one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do. That’s why so many people break up, but stay in touch, never understanding when to let go of a relationship. Letting go of someone you love isn’t easy, but holding on holds you back from the possibility of an extraordinary relationship. To focus your energy on living positively and proactively, you need to learn how to move on. When you do, you’ll find that letting go releases your force field.


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