Loneliness is a feeling that everyone experiences at one time or another. I know because it has happened to me. Even in a crowd of people, you can have  that feeling of being alone or missing the ones you love. It is normal to feel a lack of companionship or connection in our old age.  However,  as we deal with the physical and mental changes of aging, it is crucial to establish communities and various forms of support systems to lean on. Socializing is extremely important to one’s overall happiness and feeling of connection. Family and friends aren’t the only support systems. Please remember  there are local church groups, family gatherings, or community-run events, like game night, happening everywhere! Part of quelling feelings of loneliness is building activities into our everyday life that makes you feel part of a larger community. Volunteerism is a great way to achieve that sense of belonging. As many of us are retired and have extra time on our hands, volunteering at a local animal shelter, soup kitchen, or food pantry are all ways to make good use of one’s time. These experiences also give us opportunities to make friends and connections with other people who have similar interests. This will give you a reason to get up and move around. You will find you do have the energy when you have  purpose. Get involved and share your life with others! No more moping around feeling sorry for ourselves. Let’s live! So we can move and have our being...


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