What makes us Sharp for Life?
It is said that connections are everything in life. The same holds true for our brain. The connections between our brain cells are absolutely critical for a healthy, sharp, and quick mind. Most people don’t know it, but our brain cells Do Not touch each other. They rely on a vast supply of neurotransmitters to carry the electrical signals from one cell to the other. Those signals are our thoughts ideas, and memories. If we don’t have enough neurotransmitters, our brain slows down and all of a sudden words linger on the tip of our tongue, we lose things more often, or we walk into a room and forget what we’re looking for. As we age, our six lane super thoughts highway starts working like a one-lane dirt road, filled with potholes. We’ve still got to deliver all those important thoughts and ideas, but they’re stuck in traffic. So it takes longer to solve problems, remember names, and enjoy life!
What has been uncovered is that Phosphatidylserine slows, halts or reverses the effects of aging on the human brain. Wow! How much sharper, and happier we would be if we could reverse the effects of aging on our brain? PS is a type of phospholipid that’s already abundant in our brain. It’s role is to help boost our supply of the four major neurotransmitters we need to stay sharp.
· Acetylcholine: Critical for regulating our heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, vision and muscle reflexes.
· Serotonin: A feel good neurotransmitter that is vital for our mood, sleep, bone health, blood clotting and sexual desire.
· Norepinephrine: Plays an important role in our body’s flight or flight responses, also critical for memory, mood, sleep and alertness.
· Dopamine: Important for our mood, memory, focus, learning and attention span.
Fact is, to stay sharp for life we need to take a form of PS everyday in a daily dose. Ask your doctor about it. You may find help is right here waiting for you at your local drug store.